Learning styles

How to determine the learning styles of children?

Knowing the different learning styles of children is key so that you can determine what type of learning is the one that best suits your children, children or students and thus enable the learning process to be much less traumatic for children and young people.

Today we will tell you a little about the different childhood learning styles and also how you can determine the most suitable type of learning for your children (so you can be much more successful in your path of teaching at home).

Before we talk to you about learning styles in early childhood, in elementary school and even in youth, we think we should remind you of one thing: just because parents are more prone to one type of learning does not mean that the child will learn just like you with that same method. Each person is different and may be more prone to other learning styles.

What are the different learning styles of children?


There are a lot of theories around learning styles that you can consult here, in this article we will focus mainly on three learning styles, these are visual learning, kinesthetic learning and auditory or verbal learning. In addition to these three learning styles, it is also relevant to know a little about social learning, solitary learning, and logical learning.

Visual learning

It is clearly one of the most common learning styles in children that are known and it simply consists of learning using different visual media such as videos, images, among other things.

kinesthetic learning

Kinesthetic learning is also known as physical learning and consists of direct contact with what they must learn, it consists of the use of touch and their body to develop learning.

Auditory or verbal learning

It is that learning style that is carried out listening to concepts and knowledge for better understanding. This learning style also includes those children who prefer to listen to music to better understand what they learn.

Social learning

It is learning that takes place together with other people or in a group. This type of learning is quite useful for some children who feel more supported and better prepared to learn when they are in the company of friends or acquaintances.

Logical learning

It is the one in which logic is used to better understand what is studied.

Solitary learning

Just as there is social learning, there is also solitary learning, in this case children prefer to be alone to better develop their process and learn without being pressured by anyone else.

It is quite important that as your child’s teacher or tutor you understand that a child may best adapt to various learning styles. That is why it is recommended that you try to use different learning methods for children to find those styles that make your children feel more comfortable and help them to have a learning without so many problems.

Knowing more about learning styles

Did you know that approximately 60% of people around the world use visual learning? 40% use auditory learning and only a small 5% feel better using kinesthetic learning.

The other three learning styles mentioned above (social, solitary and logical) are simply complements to the main 3 styles, i.e. a child may be more likely to learn using auditory learning and does so while in a group.

How to determine the appropriate learning style (or styles)?

To determine what is the best way for your child to learn the necessary knowledge for their daily life, you simply have to pay close attention to what they do on a daily basis and how they process many of the things we say and do on a daily basis, in a nutshell, you should do a test for learning styles in children.

You should look at the small details that we will discuss below so that you can try to carry out activities that are better suited to children’s learning styles.

Visual learning


If the child is more prone to visual learning, they will have some characteristics such as the ones we will discuss below.

  • They are not so good at listening, they concentrate more on what they see.
  • Reading is one of your most important skills.
  • They have an easier time learning if they read the written word.
  • They tend to remember unimportant details about faces, landscapes or even about some images they look at.
  • They want to see what is explained to them at all times.
  • They have looks and expressions that quickly show what they feel and think.

Auditory learning


On the other hand, if the child processes auditory learning better, he surely has the following characteristics.

  • They have an easier time remembering what you tell them.
  • They are more comfortable with social learning.
  • They have an easier time remembering names.
  • They are music lovers.
  • They read and speak aloud when they are in the learning process.
  • They learn faster when they hear things, not when they read them.

kinesthetic learning


There are very few children in the world who prefer or are more prone to kinesthetic learning, in the same way, if your child has the following characteristics, it is better that you try this type of learning to enhance their knowledge.

  • They are very active, always looking to find themselves in action and try the things they are learning.
  • They do not feel comfortable listening to speeches or long presentations, they need to act to learn, to be part of the learning process.
  • It is easier for them to learn something if they carry out the activity, they do not achieve much just by listening, watching or reading.
  • They make movements with their hands while they talk.

With this little test for primary learning styles you will be able to know what decisions to make so that your children obtain the learning they need and so that they can learn in the simplest way possible, without having to spend hours and hours doing something that they do not enjoy doing or that they just don’t process it the right way.

Experts say that finding learning styles in primary school children is the best way to enhance their abilities and make them have a much calmer childhood (because they develop correctly). That is why it is so important that you take the time to understand your children and to help them improve each day.

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