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Super useful near and far activities for preschool

In today’s delivery we will provide you with valuable information on the importance of near and far activities for preschool, as well as downloadable worksheets that you can use with the little ones and thus promote this important spatial ability.

Download fun near-far activities for preschool

Make learning an adventure with these fun and interactive near-far activities for preschool that you can perfectly offer to your children and explore the world from home, from the place where you teach!

Have fun as a family while discovering new exciting activities near and far ie to work near and far activities for preschool.

Download these useful worksheets that we have created for you, so that you can promote spatial orientation in your little ones through near and far activities for preschool, where they can also color and have fun!

To complement the work with the cards that we offer you, we suggest you carry out other activities, it may be, outside the home, where you put the child (ren) in a certain place and with certain points of reference, ask them questions.

For example, who is closer to the tree, the child or the mother?, who is further from the parking lot, the child or the dog?, etc., and so you can ask according to the environment in which they are.

What are spatial abilities?

As we have already expressed, we like to complement our deliveries with super valuable information, in this case about near-far activities for preschool.

For this reason, we are going to tell you a little about the spatial abilities that all human beings must develop and, especially, we are going to focus on the near-far preschool activities.

In general terms, spatial abilities allow us to be aware of ourselves and the space that surrounds us or surrounds us in order to know where we are and what our position is in relation to certain objects and other human beings.

It also allows us to form a mental model in three dimensions, which is essential for moving in space, determining how far or close we are to something, and much more.

In children, spatial abilities are fundamental when it comes to acquiring reading and writing skills, additionally, knowing how to locate oneself is absolutely necessary when they lose sight of their parents and caregivers.

When a child is able to locate his body in space, for example: at the end of the row or next to his friend x, it indicates that he can more easily follow common instructions and a better relationship with other children.

In adults, spatial skills allow us to cross the street safely, drive a car, interpret a map, assemble a piece of furniture at home, use certain tools, for mathematics in general, and many other things we do in everyday life.

What kind of spatial skills exist and how to promote them?

There are several types of spatial abilities, however there are some abilities that are basic and that a child must acquire throughout the first three years.

All children should develop the nations above – below, inside – outside, in front – behind, above – below, near – far, left – right.

This type of spatial notions can be developed with games and activities such as asking the child to point to different parts of his own body, the nose, the eyes, the navel, etc.

From the age of four, we can offer them other types of activities such as puzzles, insertables, building with blocks, Lego pieces, flying a kite, making origami or plasticine figures, etc.

From the age of six we can offer activities such as the rubik’s cube, tangram, optical illusions, geometry games, mazes and even video games where they require building, calculating distances and locating themselves.

Additionally, outdoor games also promote spatial skills such as riding a bicycle, climbing a tree, orienting yourself through a compass, exploring nature, identifying stars and constellations, etc.

As you can see, there are many possibilities that parents, caregivers and educators can offer our children to carry out near and far activities for preschool and in general work on many more spatial orientation activities that will be essential in their training and in their lives daily.

We also invite you to download other educational and entertainment resources that may be useful for the educational process with your children at home.

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