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Materials and teaching resources to educate at home

When we educate at home, it is necessary to have available teaching materials and resources in which we can rely on for the educational process of our children.

For this reason, in this article we will comment on some of the teaching resources that we consider important for the educational process of your children and that you can also download to work with your children at home.

Where do we start?

Many times, when we start an education process at home with our children, we are faced with not knowing what teaching resources accompany the learning activities.

Depending on your children’s learning preferences, you will have to search for and adapt elements and materials that support the knowledge that children want to learn. For example, many want to know the parts of the human body, or are interested in the subject of dinosaurs, others in history, science, music or nature.

But there are some basic skills that everyone should know if they want to learn about the aforementioned topics and many others.

One of the most important skills is literacy, which also includes reading comprehension, creativity and many others. It is also necessary to develop logical and mathematical thinking skills and learning another language. These basic skills will go a long way in developing other skills such as finance and money management, emotional intelligence

On the internet, you can find countless materials that sometimes we don’t even know where to start, so we will try to offer you some guides that can help you get started.

Printable materials for children 

Some of these teaching resources can be used for children of different ages, however, depending on the knowledge a child has and their learning interests, you can adjust them to suit you.

Literacy materials

You will be able to download some literacy materials that will be able to support you in this process but in a very natural way, through play and games, and in addition, the children will understand what they read and improve their writing skills.

The methods that we present to you in the literacy article and which you can download, were tested with our son in the home education process.

Today the child is already seven years old and has achieved:

  • read supremely well
  • have very good reading comprehension
  • have clear and understandable handwriting, although we are in the process of reinforcing the spelling.

Tell us, what teaching materials and resources do you know that you consider important to learn at home and we haven’t mentioned?

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