Evaluation Rubrics

Tips for evaluation rubrics for English and other subjects

Today we will talk about some tips on evaluation items for English and other subjects and themes that allow us to better understand the intellectual growth of our children educated at home and that they actually obtain the knowledge that as priests we consider to be essential in their education to grow in a way personal and intellectual.

Evaluation rubrics tips

If you are interested in knowing what are the evaluation items, we invite you to read one of the published blog articles to give you a better context before starting with the tips of this article.

Items to evaluate in physical education

Historically, in the evaluation of the Physical Education area in traditional schools, it has been usual to use the Physical Condition and Motor Skill Test.

Lately, it is considered that it would not necessarily be necessary to reduce the physical performance and training of the body rather than the education of people in the physical and motor environment.

The child must be aware that the continued practice of physical activities is beneficial for their health.

educación física

We know some of the physical education rubrics items that can be of great use to help evaluate your child’s progress:

  1. communication. How are their communicative skills, for example in participation in debates on topics related to sports?
  2. Self-assessment. It is important that children and young people learn to self-evaluate in order to comply with the proposed activities.
  3. Organization. How organized have you been carrying out the proposed activity?.
  4. Adaptation. How much do they adapt to the different activities?
  5. Coevaluation. That a child evaluates, for example, his brothers or his parents in an activity, in the correct way it can be of great use to them and to evaluate their sincerity and their dedication to the activities carried out. Aunque no lo crean, this is the rubrics as an instrument of physical education and of any other more relevant material.

Evaluation Rubrics in Mathematics

school at home

Mathematics is one of the most important matters for young minds, helping them to reason, think and understand better the problems of daily life. Some of the rubrics of evaluation in mathematics should be the following:

  1. compression. How well have you understood the problem and how to develop it?
  2. Strategy. What was your strategy to solve the problem? Has it been correct?
  3. Technical execution. How was the execution of the planned strategy?
  4. Problem solving. Is there a result of the problem? Has your analysis and solution process been excellent?

These are 4 key items that you should take into account when it is time to evaluate your child and your knowledge about mathematics and problem solving.

Tips for evaluation rubrics for English

English is the universal language and is much simpler to learn if taught since we were little. The English evaluation rubrics that could be more important are:

niños jugando
  1. Organization. Has the evaluated topic been developed correctly and in an organized manner?
  2. Exposition of arguments. Are the arguments clear with what is expressed?
  3. Orthography. Have you made any spelling errors during the work development or evaluation?
  4. Ability to answer questions. How comfortable did you feel answering the questions? Is the answer related to what has been asked and the information given?

With only these four rubrics of evaluation for English, it is possible to know a little more about the learning process of this language and this subject of your children or students.

Evaluation Rubrics Comprehension Reading

May children and young people be able to understand what they are reading is key for their good development. With these rubrics of evaluation reading comprehension, you will be able to assure yourself of your good understanding and that they are on the correct path.

comprensión lectora
  1. Identification of the purpose of the text. Does it quickly and smoothly identify the type of text?
  2. Determination of the topic. Is it easy for the child to know what topic is discussed in the text?
  3. Know the structure. Do you fully understand the structure of the text you are working on?
  4. Infer the meaning of words from the text. Can the child infer what a word means from the context in which it is found?
  5. Reflections and thoughts on the text. Can the child understand beyond what he has read and have his own reflections on the subject?

Reading comprehension is key to developing children’s knowledge and for them to have a much more complete and understood way of thinking, therefore, be very careful when evaluating the previously commented rubrics well.

Rubric to evaluate writing

With the hand of reading comprehension, rubrics should also be taken into account to evaluate the writing and it is not only worth understanding the texts well, they must also know how to write their own thoughts.

  1. Orthography. Has the text been written with perfect spelling?
  2. Use of language. Is the use of language good? Have you repeated words, have you handled punctuation marks and the structure of the text well?
  3. Contents. Is the content written valuable?
  4. Quantity and quality. Is the text long enough and of good quality? Are there too many words? Missing words? Does what you write make clear the idea you were looking for?

Evaluation rubrics oral presentation

We have already evaluated such important things as writing, comprehension, other languages, a science and now we must evaluate how he communicates and how much control he has over the audience that listens to him, for this, we need oral presentation evaluation rubrics.

expresión oral
  1. Pronunciation. Have all the words been pronounced correctly and has the vocalization also been good?
  2. Contents. Has the content been good enough? Have you managed to summarize and understand the topic you are exposing?
  3. Documentation. Have you used the supporting material to make yourself better understood?
  4. Sequencing. Has a sequence been followed so that listeners understand the content well?
  5. Position. Was your posture correct? Have you felt with the necessary confidence when presenting?
  6. Volume. Has it been addressed to the public with a correct volume and according to the space in which it is located?

Taking into account all these rubrics to evaluate oratory is extremely important since each of them greatly influences the experience of what an oral presentation is.

Improving each rubric will create a young person with clear ideas and ease of expression and, in addition, without the annoying stage fright.

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