What are evaluation rubrics? are they used when you educate at home?
What are evaluation rubrics? What does evaluation rubric mean? A rubric is a standardized form of evaluation that defines evaluation criteria and levels of agreement to a quality standard.
The headings can also be known as a global assessment scale or headings as an assessment tool.
Characteristics of the evaluation headings
Concurrently, the headings have been used in education to qualify the work of students, but now their use has been extended to other areas so that there is transparency in evaluative processes.
The premise of the rubrics is that the evaluation and the apprenticeship are inseparable, because of which it is necessary to design and communicate clear learning objectives.
The headings contain four essential characteristics:
- a descriptive title or a description of the task that students are expected to carry out.
- a scale (y puntuación) that describes the level of domain (for example, exceeds expectations, meets expectations, does not meet expectations).
- components / dimensions that students must meet to complete the task(s) (for example, types of skills, knowledge, etc.).
- description of the quality of performance (performance descriptor) of the components / dimensions in each domain level.
Types of Evaluation Items
There are two types of headings: holistic and analytical.

Holistic rubrics
The holistic headings group together various evaluation criteria and classify them together under grade or performance titles.
The holistic headings are much easier to create, but much more difficult to use with precision. To qualify, the teacher compares the student’s work in its totality with a single description on the scale.
Analytical rubrics
The analytical headings separate the different evaluation criteria and approach them in an integral way, they can also allow different weightings for different components and are optimal for providing clear and detailed comments.
Are the evaluation items used when you educate at home?

In frequency, the priests who educate at home are not trained in terms of principles, theories and methods of formal education.
In general, you will find different points of view in the priests we educate at home, with respect to the headings:
- Some will want to manage the evaluation frameworks to have a more concrete guide to what to learn from their children
- Others in exchange, we are more aware of not evaluating the children educated at home through questions, instead of this, validating knowledge through the execution of projects or practices from which we can validate and correct
- You can also tell other priests to whom they are interested in validating the knowledge of their children, trusting them fully.
Being the world of home education tailored to each family, you can also check the evaluation standards.
The use of rubrics in a home education environment can help to objectively evaluate the child’s learning, encourage responsibility and provide clear and transparent learning objectives for the child, thus requiring more time and effort for educators at home but the results are worth it.
If you are in a classroom or in a home education environment, the items can also help with the following ways:
- Make the qualifications meaningful
- Offer comments to children about strengths and weaknesses.
- Produce a more consistent qualification
- Provide valuable information to help home educators improve.
How to prepare evaluation items
If you are home educators and you are interested in validating your children’s knowledge, the evaluation items can be very useful because they provide objective qualifications and can help ensure that the child is reaching the appropriate levels for his or her degree.
If each family can create their own item, they can also save time by downloading a sample item from the Internet and customize it according to their needs, or buy it from a market provider.

Step by step to create an evaluation item
Next, we will give you some ideas on how to make evaluation items for yourself so that you can have tools at the time of measuring the performance of your children educated at home if you wish.
The steps are defined in a generic way, you can increase or decrease according to your needs:
- Step 1: Define learning objectives
Clearly define the learning objectives, which they support as a criterion to qualify the child’s work.
The objectives must be clearly and explicitly written for use in the rubric. - Step 2: Define the type of item to use
According to the description of types of headings, define the type that is best suited to use according to your needs.
- Step 3: Define your objective criteria
Here, you will have to come up with a bunch of ideas for a list of knowledge and skills that you would like to evaluate for the project or task.
Group them according to the similarities and eliminate everything that is not absolutely critical.
A section with too many criteria is difficult to use! - Step 4: Define the performance levels
Determine the qualification scales for the objectives and criteria defined in the previous steps.
The qualification scales are composed of three to five levels, you can use a combination of numbers and descriptive labels such as u0022(4) Exceptional, (3) Satisfactory, etc.u0022, or numbers, percentages, qualifications with letters or any combination of the three for each level.
You can organize them from major to minor or minor to major so that your levels are organized and easy to understand. - Step 5: Write descriptors for each heading level
This is probably the most difficult step to create a heading.
Here, you should write brief statements of your expectations under each income level for each criterion.
the descriptions must be specific and measurable
the lenguaje must be parallel to help with the understanding of the alumno and the degree must be explained in which the standards are fulfilled.
For example: if the criterion is 4: exceptional. You can describe how the organization is coherent, unified and effective to support the purpose of the document and demonstrate consistently between ideas and paragraphs. - Step 6: Review your rubric
After creating the descriptive language for all levels (making sure that it is specific and measurable), you must limit your heading to a single page.
Too many parameters will be difficult to evaluate at the same time, and can be an ineffective way of evaluating the domain of a specific standard by students.
Examples of evaluation headings
Here you can download some worksheets for evaluation items or evaluation items and examples that can serve as a help and guide to customize your items or use them as we present them.
Tips for using headings effectively

To ensure that the use of rubrics facilitates learning in the home education environment, follow these advice:
Use friendly terms to create the rubric. The language must be free of jerga and appropriate for the student’s learning level.
Be consistent from column to column. The language you use to describe your expectations must be parallel to a columna a la siguiente. For example, if you say “don’t have” something in a column, then you must say “have” something in another.
Describe in detail. Do not use barrido words such as “excellent” and do not include arbitrary numbers. Instead, try to describe with the greatest possible detail what you want in the task.
Introduce and explain the heading. You could briefly describe the purpose of the heading and explain its importance as a learning tool.
To close this article, the invitation is for the parents who educate at home to use the headings as an opportunity to be more creative and determine which tools best adapt to their education and their children’s learning styles.
Sean is as creative with his evaluation tools as he is with his teaching approach!
We hope you have understood what are evaluation items and how to apply them in home education. All the information contained in this article can be downloaded in pdf format as pdf evaluation rubrics